image handling

Subject: image handling
From: Justin Bradford (
Date: Sat Feb 05 2000 - 02:55:19 CST

I've been in New York the last couple of days for LinuxWorld, and while
resting at the slashdot booth, I've added image import to the Word
importer. It seems to be pretty solid so far, so I'll be committing it

However, I only support PNG encoded bitmaps inside Word (it also does
JPEG, BMP, WMF, PICT, etc). For the others, I need conversion code/SVG
internals. This is the exact same problem currently faced by the image
import routines (ie only PNG is supported do to a lack of conversion

So, how do we want to fix this?

Option 1: Link against ImageMagick

Option 2: Extract bits o' code from ImageMagick for a xap_ImageConversion
class, and link against just libungif, libjpeg, libwmf, etc, directly.

As for the vector formats, how do we plan on handling these internally?
The SVG will be converted to some form of structure for optimizing drawing,
right? Doing this, and then having it draw directly onto a GR_Graphics
context is about a day-long project and would give us roughly
PICT/WMF-equivalent functionality (minus text rotation [unless that GR
class describes that, too?]).

Until the vector engine exsts, we can convert WMFs (and PICTs without too
much work) to PNGs. And since Word stores WMF renderings of all the
embedded objects in a document, those would show up. While not editable,
it would still be cool for the Word file to open in AbiWord and at least
look identical to what you see in Word...

Anyway, what should we do about format conversion?


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