Re: patch -- DocBook exporter

Subject: Re: patch -- DocBook exporter
Date: Thu Feb 10 2000 - 21:56:24 CST

sam th wrote:
> As exporter week continues on AbiWord-dev...
> Included is an exporter for the DocBook markup format. I would not
> reccomend using it for actual work, both becasue I vouch for nothing about
> its correctness, and because the feature set overlap between abiword and
> docbook is fairly small. As we develop more features, though, it should
> get larger. The one question I have is if anyone knows the extension
> usually used for DocBook documents. I have used .dbk, but I would wager
> large sums that that is wrong.
> PS - I also would reccomend against including this in 0.7.8, unless you
> are planning to delay it a few weeks. :-)

I have nothing against the implementation of this patch, but I'm
unsure of its usefullness without certain features AbiWord currently
lacks. I'm not a DocBook professional, but structured document editing
through its tags (as you suggest) doesn't seem to mix well with AbiWord's
structure without a "DocBook" style that lets the user know just what
he's formatting.

Also, it seems like AbiWord users would benefit more from a DocBook
importer, at least until we have all the styles in place for editing
and saving. This isn't to say an exporter isn't valuable, but I think
we should nail down the styles before we commit this code that will
be re-written.

Shaw Terwilliger

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