RE: status of Latin-2 languages?

Subject: RE: status of Latin-2 languages?
From: Henrik Berg (
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 05:46:32 CST

> There's recently been a flutter of interest on the abiword-user list about
> using AbiWord for Latin-2 languages:

Since I don't write on the unix GUI, anything I say can be wrong, but I like to add some of the things I found in the Win32 part.

> - X input methods (??)

If there is a way to get the charmap/codepage/translationtable for the keyboard input, it could be easy to call iconv() to get the Unicode value.

The next thing that happens is that keyboard shortcuts (Alt- and Ctrl-keys) uses a 256 wide table. I solved this by sending the untranslated key to keyboard shortcuts and stored the translated key in the chardata member.

The problem with keyboard shortcuts is not that it's 256 wide, but that it's not localized, the width is more than the number of keys on the keyboard.


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