Re: POW -- start spreading the news

Subject: Re: POW -- start spreading the news
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 15:31:42 CST

At 01:19 AM 2/10/00 -0600, sam th wrote:
>I like what you've done here. Just as a couple suggestions (in case
>someone else ends up writing this), the other summaries focus more heavily
>on the development aspect. For example, Havoc (author of the gnome
>summary) gives checkin stats. Do we want to talk about development a lot?
>Is there anything else to talk about?

The whole idea is to summarize some of the highlights of what's going on in
the project, and do so in interesting ways. Talking about development
sounds entirely appropriate.

In particular, it'd be good to have enough meat in there to tempt more
people to come help us get 1.0 shipped. ;-)

>I submitted this one to LinuxToday.

Thanks. I got private mail from them almost immediately saying that they
definitely want copies in the future. Contact me privately when you're
ready to release your next issue and I'll give you all the email addresses I
used this time.

>If anyone has any other suggestions,
>they would be welcome.

Those two sites are the places I happen to visit most often, but I suspect
that among the folks on this list, we can come up with a broader audience.

>PS - one question. This one's been nagging me for a while - where exactly
>is AbiWord located? I don't think it's ever been mentioned on the list,
>and I'm just curious.

Given that we've got 70 people in the credits file, it's kind of hard to pin
down a single exact location. ;-) I personally happen to live in the SF
Bay area, and Shaw and Bob currently live in Champaign IL. Just from
scanning the domains in the credits file, we also have folks from:

  Kansas (Justin)
  Canada (Thomas)
  Ireland (Caolan)
  Australia (Bruce)
  Sweden (Henrik)
  South Africa (Luke)

Not to mention where all the translators live. :-)


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