Re: slides from talk at LWCE2000 in New York

Subject: Re: slides from talk at LWCE2000 in New York
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Wed Feb 16 2000 - 18:27:42 CST

At 02:25 PM 2/16/00 +0100, Hubert Figuiere wrote:
>According to Paul Rohr <>:
>> As you might expect, getting the .ABW version up on the site was trivial.
>> However, doing the PHP magic to convert it to a reasonable-looking HTML
>> version (with one page per slide) took some additional hacking.
>Perhaps you could contribute by giving those hack away as an exemple of how
>to use AbiWord :=)

Uh, I said it was a hack, right? I'm ashamed to admit that this means I
*didn't* use AbiWord to solve the problem. It was all manual labor.

Instead, I took advantage of the fact that our native format:

  - is text-based,
  - uses CSS-like properties, and
  - looks a *lot* like HTML already

Essentially, I started with a very vanilla HTML export, trimmed out a bunch
of properties I didn't need, and added a style block at the top of the file
to match the style block I (blush) hand-edited into the original ABW file.
Then I changed tab-delimited columns to tables, and added back in the
images, to create one big HTML file which matched the ABW file.

After that, I worked up a PHP template based on others used in our site, so
that each slide could have the exact same sidebar, etc. After that, it was
just a matter of cutting and pasting each slide onto its own page.

To see how this works, compare the attached document to the way it renders
on our site:

If you do a View Source, all of the PHP stuff just gets expanded out.


PS: Can you tell that I used to write web browsers for a living? ;-)

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