diagnosing keybinding problems (was Re: Backspace spellcheck bug)

Subject: diagnosing keybinding problems (was Re: Backspace spellcheck bug)
From: Paul Rohr (paul@abisource.com)
Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 11:49:20 CST

At 01:38 AM 2/25/00 -0500, Pierre Abbat wrote:
>I am using 0.7.8, installed from the RPM, and I have noticed that backspacing
>and retyping part of a word causes the other part to have a squiggly,
>indicating that it is misspelled, and a spurious letter appears at the
>beginning of the line. The saved file appears correct.
>Type the following, where \ means the backspace key:
>b\believe be\elieve bel\lieve beli\ieve belie\eve believ\ve believe\e
>The fourth, fifth, and seventh words have squiggly lines under them. If I
>right-click the squiggly, it acts as if I had typed "bel", "beli", or
>and attempts to correct it. This results in nonwords such as "belieeve".
>"beli" by itself does not result in a squiggly line, but a spell check

I couldn't reproduce this behavior on NT, but it probably has nothing to do
with spellcheck.

From your description, it looks like each time you hit backspace, some
variant of that *character* is getting added to the document. Instead, it
should be getting recognized as EV_NVK_BACKSPACE and mapped to the following
edit method:


Chances are that something's getting glitched in your keybindings, probably
at the platform level. If you're interested in debugging this, you could
set a breakpoint at the appropriate spot here and make sure it's following
the right execution path:


If not, check the definition of EV_NVK_BACKSPACE for your platform here:


By setting another breakpoint inside keyPressEvent(), you should be able to
see exactly what's happening.

Hope that helps.


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