re: IBM Project on Unicode

Subject: re: IBM Project on Unicode
Date: Sun Feb 27 2000 - 01:00:50 CST


I'll be building the International Components for Unicode package tonight, first on
Windows just to see how it works, then on the MacOS to actually use it in the
Mac port of my program.

From the look of it, it's pretty industrial strength (IBM makes that claim on their
web site). It's certainly large (7 MB of source to download). One thing that's nice
in its design is that it is largely data-driven; there are binary files associated with
the library that are used to drive the decisions on how to deal with data
conversions and formatting (although that means you have to make sure the data
file is around for it to work right, but it appears they've merged it all into one file

It does a lot more than just Unicode text conversion, and that could be real useful
to AbiWord - currency, date and time formatting, and so on.

I'll post the results of my work probably on Monday.

Mike Crawford
GoingWare - Expert Software Development and Consulting

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