Re: symbol dialog patch

Subject: Re: symbol dialog patch
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 23:54:37 CST


Thanks for sending in the patch. Three quick comments:

1. You'll also need to include the following new files, because cvs diff
doesn't add them into the patch:

  ? abi/shots/wp/unix/symbol.png
  ? abi/src/af/xap/unix/xap_UnixDlg_Symbol.cpp
  ? abi/src/af/xap/unix/xap_UnixDlg_Symbol.h
  ? abi/src/af/xap/win/xap_Win32Dlg_Symbol.h
  ? abi/src/af/xap/win/xap_Win32Dlg_Symbol.cpp
  ? abi/src/af/xap/xp/xap_Dlg_Symbol.h
  ? abi/src/af/xap/xp/xap_Draw_Symbol.cpp
  ? abi/src/af/xap/xp/xap_Draw_Symbol.h
  ? abi/src/af/xap/xp/xap_Dlg_Symbol.cpp

(I trimmed the file names a bit, but whatever.)

2. You'll need to do a bit more work to get the stubbed build to work on
other platforms. In addition to creating the stubbed cpp files, you're also
likely to have to modify makefiles and/or add the necessary DeclareDialog()
macros. Shaw's done this recently for other Dialogs, so a quick look at
Bonsai should show what's required. Essentially, it's a 1-for-1 mapping to
whatever you did on the first platform.

3. In the s_InsertSymbolDlg edit method, it looks like you're calling a
View-level method to get the current font, only to pass it right back to
another View method when you insert the symbol. Is that extra information
needed outside the view, or can you just omit it from the downcall API and
just do the lookup internally as needed?

4. Style note: it should probably be FV_View::insertSymbol() instead -- we
tend to not capitalize the verb at the beginning of method names.

If you're totally out of time to deal with #2-4, we'll see if someone else
can get to it. However, there's not much anyone can do about #1. :-)


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