Re: catching up with pending design issues

Subject: Re: catching up with pending design issues
From: Joaquín Cuenca Abela (
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 07:24:39 CST

Paul Rohr wrote:
> > - to patch (Joaquin)
> Either Shaw or Bob mentioned to me today that they're still working out some
> final details to help make sure that this feature Just Works. However, I'm
> fuzzy on the specific details of what, if anything, still needs to happen
> before this patch can be applied.

The actual state of the patch is the following (I'll refering to my last

        * It WORKS in the gnome platform
        * It WORKS in the gtk platform (the help is a bit worse that the help
for the gnome version)
        * I have NO clue about the BeOS and windows platform, but I think that
the work needed for these platforms is:
                1. erase my #if 0's and #endif's.
                2. Find and solve the eventual stupid mistakes of my code for these

Shaw and Bob, do you have any comments (and/or suggestions, etc...)
about the last patch? (I've sended it to Bob in a private email, and
I've attached it in this email)

Joaquín Cuenca Abela

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