Re: AbiWord DTD

Subject: Re: AbiWord DTD
From: sam th (
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 17:27:46 CST

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On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Paul Rohr wrote:

> Doh! Did I say P PROPS? I should have said C STYLE and S TYPE, which are
> both much less serious. Sorry for being so grumpy. This is getting very
> close, I think.
These have now been fixed on my website. I find it sort of surprising
that none of the test documents I could find used these attributes.

> Are there two different styles of DTD syntax? I've seen the W3C-style ones
> before, but never bothered to learn what all that extra syntax means.

The difference is in the dashes. In SGML, you can specify wether the start
and/or end tags are neccesary for an element. If there is a -, the tag is
required, if there is and O, it's not. So you can conciveably have O O,
which would mean that neither tag is required (I am still fuzzy on how
this would work.) In XML, both tags are ALWAYS required, so this option
is gone. However, the W3C web validator uses an SGML, not and XML parser
for documents that it doesn't recognize (like abiword). It won't accept a
DTD without the dashes. the STG validator at brown, which is a real XML
validator, won't accept the dashes. Hope that's not more than anyone
wanted to know.
Just as a side note, once I get the current documentation finished, I'm
going to try to create and XML Schema for AbiWord, just because the
bleeding edge isn't painful enough for me. If and when I do, it should be
used for entertainment purposes only. :-)

                                     sam th
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