Some of Word's fields

Subject: Some of Word's fields
From: Justin Bradford (
Date: Thu Jan 13 2000 - 07:30:51 CST

Here's a brief list of several of Word's field categories.
I include the arguments and brief description.

Date and Time

CreateDate "[format]" - date doc was created
Date "[format] [switches]" - today's date
EditTime - total document editing time
PrintDate "[format]" - date doc last printed
SaveDate "[format]" - date doc last saved
Time "[format]" - current time

Document Information

Author "[newname]" - name of doc's author from Summary Info
Comments "[newcomments]" - comments from Summary Info
DocProperty "name" - value of a specific property from Summary Info
FileName "[switches]" - doc's name and location
FileSize "[switches]" - size of doc on disk
Info "infotype [newvalue]" - data from summary info
Keywords "[newkeywords]" - keywords from summary info
LastSavedBy - user who last saved doc
NumChars - number of characters in doc
NumPages - number of pages in doc
NumWords - number of words in doc
Subject "[newsubject]" - doc's subject from summary info
Template "[switches]" - name of template attached to doc
Title "[newtitle]" - doc's title from summary info

User Information

UserAddress "[newaddress]" - from user info
UserInitials "[newinitials]" - from user info
UserName "[newname]" - from user info


AutoNum - insert an automatic number
AutoNumLgl - automatic number in legal format
AutoNumOut - automatic number in outline format
BarCode "literaltext|bookmark [switches]" - delivery point barcode
ListNum "[name] [switches]" - inserts an element in a list
Page "[format switch]" - number of the current page
RevNum - number of times doc has been saved
Section - number of the current section
SectionPages - number of pages in current section
Seq "identifier [bookmark] [switches]" - automatic sequence number

Mail Merge

Ask "bookmark prompt [switches]"
        - prompt user for text to assign to a bookmark
Compare "expr1 operator expr2" - compares two values and returns 1/0
Database "[switches]" - inserts data from external database
Fill-in "[prompt] [switches]" - prompts user for text to insert
If "expr1 operator expr2 truetext falsetext"
        - evaulates arguments and inserts conditional text
MergeField "fieldname" - insert a mail merge field
MergeRec - number of the current merge record
MergeSeq - merge record sequence number
Next - goto next record in mail merge
NextIf "expr1 oper expr2" - conditionally goto next record in mail merge
Set "bookmark text" - assign new text to a bookmark
SkipIf "expr1 oper expr2" - conditionally skip a record in a mail merge

And these are the categories I haven't looked through completely yet (but
I've included the names of the fields in each, so you might be able to
imply something from that).

Document Automation
  Compare, DocVariable, GoToButton, If, MacroButton, Print
Equations and Formulas
  = (Formula), Advance, Eq, Symbol
Index and Tables
Links and References
  AutoText, AutoTextList, Hyperlink, IncludePicture, IncludeText, Link,
  NoteRef, PageRef, Quote, Ref, StyleRef
Anyway, many of these fields could fall under scripting, which AbiWord
should support with an actual scripting language (rather than abusing the
field concept). However, for the sake of Word compatibility, we might
consider actually implementing them (or at least have a clear idea of how
we might convert from/to fields and bits o' script). This
Word/scripting/field thing is, of course, not an immediate concern.

So, most of these are simple. There are lots of formatting options,
though. Basically all text and numbers have general formatting options,
and many have some specific switches.

Some of the fields rely on user/document information which AbiWord does
not currently store, however. How about adding a summary info section to
documents and have AbiWord store generic user information?


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