Re: bug 664

Subject: Re: bug 664
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Mon Jan 17 2000 - 15:03:15 CST

At 09:48 AM 1/17/00 -0600, sam th wrote:
>With regard to the above bug, I don't think that this crash was our fault.
>I have just spent a good bit of time with the code in question, and I
>cannot see any way that it could cause this sort of crash. Abiword is
>actually quite lenient when i comes to characters in filenames. (But
>that's another discussion.) From the backtrace, I would say that the
>crash was in gtk, which was called from runModal. I checked in the
>source, and gtk_main() is called in runModal. Thus, unless someone else
>can reproduce this, I think it should be considered 'not our fault.'


I hate blaming a bug on someone else when we're not sure what caused it, but
it's hard to diagnose a bug which can't be reproduced. As best I can tell
from that call stack alone:

  - the user tried to load a bad filename
  - we tried to raise a message box to tell them about it
  - somewhere in GTK event processing for that dialog, GDK unreferenced a
       window which triggered a bad free

If I had to guess, I'd suspect a timing or synchronization issue (between
the event queues for one or more of the following:

  - the frame which fired the original menu item
  - the first dialog (File / Open) which just got torn down
  - the new dialog for the message box

Blech! (But hey, what do I know about GTK/GDK internals? It's just a

Since you've spent so much time digging into this, feel free to claim this
bug in Bugzilla, copy in your explanation, and mark it QA TO VERIFY for now.

motto -- refcounting bugs suck

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