Re: ZAP - Improve our release practices

Subject: Re: ZAP - Improve our release practices
From: Larry Kollar (
Date: Tue Jan 18 2000 - 07:35:41 CST

sam th wrote:

>I went through ESR's page on appropriate release practices and came up
>with the following TODO's (broken down by category)


>2 location of BUILD.TXT
> ESR thinks it should be in abi, and not in abi/docs. I agree,
> however, this should be discussed

What's to discuss? :-)
I agree with you & ESR; it's a trivial change and will make it easier
for people to find this important file. (Show of hands -- who *doesn't*
do an "ls abi" very soon after unpacking?)

> ESR thinks we should have more documentation on the site, and
> frankly, i agree with him. at a minimum, the contents of abi/docs
> should be availible online.

I would think they should be available in both PostScript and HTML
formats. Converting to HTML should be simple enough; if nobody else
has stepped up by next week, somebody remind me and I'll see what I
can do. I've been banging on a Perl script at work to convert an SGML
file to a bunch of HTML files, so I have some core code that can be
put to use immediately. (I've also been tagged to preach at church this
Sunday, so the rest of the week is shot for me.) Hmmm, now that I
think about it, non-styled Abi files are going to make for UGLY HTML
unless the script has some intelligence. Oh well.

> someone should also start work on a
> manual, but that's another story

As (probably) the only tech writer on this list, I'm tempted to say
something here but I won't. ;-)

I'm fairly neutral with respect to the rest of the suggestions,
except for getting the mirror sites up to date. That's an obvious


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