Re: msword doc bug

Subject: Re: msword doc bug
From: Pierre Abbat (
Date: Wed Jan 19 2000 - 07:43:14 CST

>The problem is what I originally thought it was. Abiword saves the file
>with a .doc extension. However, it saves it in .abw format. Then, when
>another program, be it Abiword or MSWord, attempts to open the file, it
>will think that it is a word document. To solve the problem in abiword,
>when opening the file, change the type from automatically detected to
>Abiword. Then it will recognize the file correctly.

When kfm looks at an AbiWord file, it thinks it's a web page, even if it is
*.doc. If I click on it, the window turns into a web browser, and the document
appears without the character formatting.


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