Re: AutoNum and Fields -- what CSS does

Subject: Re: AutoNum and Fields -- what CSS does
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Wed Jan 19 2000 - 13:27:32 CST

[ The last message was getting long, so I split this out to a separate
  thread. ]

At 11:17 AM 1/19/00 -0800, I wrote:
>I'm pretty sure that most word processor style systems maintain an
>orthogonal property (we'd probably call it heading-level) which would be a
>*huge* cue here.

When we're trying to figure out what to call our properties, another source
of design ideas is the CSS2 spec, particularly here:

Note that unlike CSS, we've got a flat file format. So instead of relying
on nesting depth to figure out heading levels, we'll want an explicit
property to indicate this.

However, some of the properties we need may still correspond to stuff in
their formatting model, so I wanted to mention this as a source of ideas.
Where the concepts are the same, we should use the same names.


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