POW 19.12

Subject: POW 19.12
From: Michael Vogt (mvogt@acm.org)
Date: Thu Jan 20 2000 - 21:01:23 CST

Dear Abiword Hackers

I looked into the POW from 19.12.99 and hacked a bit. Currently I try
to figure out, how to replace the "Spaces" with nice dots. I digged into
fp_TextRun and looked at _drawPart(), but I don't see a easy way to do it.

Another problem: In fp_ForcedPageBreakRun::_draw() I draw a line
from iXstart = pView->getPageViewLeftMargin();
to iXend = (m_pLine->getContainer())->getWidth();
Most of the time, iXend is correct, but if I maximize AbiWord, the line
is not drawn to the right border of the page. Only to about 3/4 of the page.
I need some kind of pView->getPageViewRightMargin() :-)

My last question: Is there a general design description for AbiWord ?
Some document, that describes the "big picture" of the source?

I'm quite new to the source of AbiWord and hope, my questions aren't to
stupid :)


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