Re: ASSERT(modeless dialog != toolbar) (was: Re: SV: Insert Symbol dialog)

Subject: Re: ASSERT(modeless dialog != toolbar) (was: Re: SV: Insert Symbol dialog)
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Wed Jan 26 2000 - 21:35:03 CST

OK I feel sufficiently slapped about the head NOT to this :-) but you
raise an interesting point:

> 1. Open documents in four different windows.
> 2. Detach each of their toolbars.
> 3. Ask your Mom to figure out what goes with what.

I think that this is a rather unusual case. Normally the only reason I
would want more than 1 open view is to cut and paste between documents
or sections of document. When I'm done I shut the window (so I can see
more text on the document I'm editing).

When faced with a situation like the above I would close all the windows
I didn't need and fire up "Insert_symbol" for the one I did need. I think
that this would be the normal rational response of a "Church Secretary"
who would never think to detech a toolbar anyway :-).

I don't think the average user would want 4 open views. If they did they
would not know which dialog went with what. I would expect the modeless
dialog to be attached to window that openned it. However even if it didn't
I think the users natural response would be "I'm confused about where the
symbols are going so I'm sure Abiword is too" and close all the windows
bar the one that gets the input.

> (shudder) At least with decent modeless dialog support, you can implement
> app-specific policies which say whether a dialog can be reused across
> multiple windows, etc.

I've been a reluctant user of Word Processors for a few years now. I still
prefer latex and emacs but it appears to me that the ability to switch a
modeless dialog amongst open windows is a very small benefit requiring
some relatively complicated action on the users part to attach the output
of a dialog to a new window. When faced with this I believe the average
user would just close the current dialog and open a new one attached to
the new window. It takes merely two mouse clicks and is very intuitive.

I would rather have a toolbar o'symbols off to the side ready give me
that "pi" or weird Euuropean character when I need it for the window
that openned it than have to open a dialog every time I need a new symbol.

Actually now that I think about it I would rather have just one mouse
click (select a symbol and insert it immediately) to give me a symbol
rather than the "Select" - "Insert" used by the current crop of word
processors. If you get it wrong just press the "delete" key like normal
typing. In the majority of cases you select correctly the first time so
why waste time with two mouse clicks when the penalty for selecting wrong
is so small?

> Paul,
> motto -- keep AbiWord from ever appearing here:

I will take some time to explore this. It is not clear that a toolbar of
symbols that directs output to the window that openned it is such a bad
idea. Maybe I will try a toolbar of symbols to see what it is like...

Martin Sevior

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