guru needed -- diagnosing configure problems on Win32

Subject: guru needed -- diagnosing configure problems on Win32
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Thu Jan 27 2000 - 17:09:46 CST

Does anyone on this list know much about diagnosing configure failures?

I don't. For me, our limited use of configure in the wv and libiconv trees
Just Works on NT. Ditto for Henrik on various Win32 flavors. However,
we've recently had reports from Leonard and Bob that it's dying for them:

In case I had an old config which worked, but a fresh one won't, I've just
added a realclean target to clean out any existing config-driven stuff from
both subtrees:

  M src/config/require/win/Makefile

It still works for me, so I'm stumped. Does anyone have any ideas what's
going wrong for either of them?


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