Re: patch -- bug 10

Subject: Re: patch -- bug 10
From: Robert Sievers (
Date: Sun Jan 30 2000 - 09:04:19 CST

At 11:43 PM 1/29/00 -0600, sam th wrote:
>This VERY trivial change fixes bug 10. I am not entirely sure why someone
>would have written the code the way it was, so I may have changed
>something important. There is still bizzare behavior if you double-click
>in between words, (it selects the space and both words) but that's for
>another day. (hopefully tommorow)

Some notes on bug #10 even before I take a look at the patch.

For review, bug #10 is when you double click a word, then change the
format, the following space should not get the new format. If you fix #10
by changing the way selections work, in that the selection doesn't actually
select the trailing space, you will get a new slightly odd behavior. Now
double-clicking a word and pressing erase or delete would leave an extra
space in between words. If you instead choose to fix #10 by not extending
a format change to any trailing space, you run the risk of pissing people
off who manually select the extra trailing space because they really do
want to extend the format to that trailing space.

And finally, yes, when you double click a space, you should get the word
before or after, not both.

The bottom line is that bug #10 treads on some thin ice; trying to
anticipate what people want. If I double click then erase, I want to
delete the space, and if I double click then underline, I don't. It's a
dangerous road to walk down, because doing so results in software that
tries to read your mind. Looking back on it, I almost wish I wouldn't have
reported the problem in the first place.

Having said all that, I am anxious to check out the patch after shaw has a
chance to look at it and check it in.

Robert Sievers
Open Source Evangelist

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