Win32 Insert Picture Dialog Preview

Subject: Win32 Insert Picture Dialog Preview
From: Michael D. Pritchett (
Date: Fri Jul 07 2000 - 23:30:44 CDT

Here is a patch to extend the Win32 FileOpenSaveAs dialog to include an
image preview when used to Insert Pictures. It is stable on my system.

This dialog sort of breaks the xap-rules as it requires impexp headers and
libraries which are currently app-specific. I pointed to the headers via
relative positions instead of modifying the makefile.

Two things need to be cleaned up.

1) It doesn't support the SVG format. A couple of switches should fix
this (use UT_SVG_getDimensions function and bypass import if SVG file is

2) Internationalization - I was unable to get the basic m_pSS to
initialize. It may have something to do with how the common control dialog
gets initialized. Therefore, I left it out of this patch all together. Any
help to correct this one would be appreciated as I have bumped my head
against the wall enough.


Michael D. Pritchett

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