Problems deleting a list

Subject: Problems deleting a list
From: Aaron Lehmann (
Date: Sun Jul 09 2000 - 01:16:49 CDT

I've been playing with lists a bit. The lists dialog is, no offense, kind
of hideous. Would anyone mind if I cleaned it up a bit? I don't have much
interest in lists though, so no promisses. Here's a bug report:

(The following stuff has been logged as bug #936.)

Create a list. Hold down backspace until the list is deleted. Press enter.
A second list item is created, even though the first was deleted.

-AND- (seperate but related problem follows)

Create a list using the "Bullets and Numbers" dialog. Press enter several
times to create more elements of the list. Then hold down backspace until
all of the list items have been erased. Press return. I get:

**** (1) Assert ****
**** (1) (0) at fl_DocLayout.cpp:375 ****
**** (1) Continue ? (y/n) [y] :

**** (2) Assert ****
**** (2) pBlock at fv_View.cpp:3977 ****
**** (2) Continue ? (y/n) [y] :
Segmentation fault

Aaron Lehmann

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