My $0.02 on the "scripting language war"

Subject: My $0.02 on the "scripting language war"
From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Tue Jul 11 2000 - 18:28:36 CDT

Though we aren't to implement this now, I think a common language really is
both beneficial and crucial for AbiWord.


Well, how would *you* like it to get a "really great" script from your
friend just to notice that "you" without *any* programming experience would
have to install zillions of RPMs or load houndreds of MB onto your Windows
box, not to mention the download time for all these things?

I say no. When the time comes, lets have a serious vote about language. I'm
still hooked to the idea that you would be able to control it from "outside"
its process (like the Amiga and its ARexx implementation of Rexx), but
priority one should IMNSHO be compatibility. There is one way, and one way
only, to get compatibility betweeen scripting languages.: Use the same. No
difference in dialects, no platform specific includes, but the *same*.

As the subject line told: just my $0.02.


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