Multiple focuses

Subject: Multiple focuses
From: Anders Melchiorsen (
Date: Fri Jul 14 2000 - 05:01:33 CDT

I have noticed that the GTK+ entry widgets in the main window (font
size, etc.) are essently useless since keyboard input will always go
to the text view.

Also, marking ranges in GTK+ widgets will cause a selection in the
text view to disappear.

I believe that the text view should lose focus when GTK+ widgets are
used, which would fix bugs like #897 and #920. However, I do not know
how this would affect things like the Insert Symbol dialog which kind
of requires an active view.

Has this been discussed before (the mail archive seems to indicate
this, though I have not found any big threads)? What was the result?

BTW, is this problem GTK+ specifik or platform independent?

Regards, Anders
(address is valid)

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