Last chance - XP AP app class

Subject: Last chance - XP AP app class
From: Aaron Lehmann (
Date: Fri Jul 14 2000 - 01:53:35 CDT

I posted awhile ago about how I needed an XP AP app class to save 800k of
memory out of the 1500k it uses on my system at startup. I haven't heard
back, so I'm going to implement a solution and commit it unless I hear
some feedback :). The code guidelines state that I should "avoid multiple
inheritance", but multiple inheritance seems like the way to go here. If
people voulenteer ideas on how to avoid multiple inheritance, I'm willing
to consider them. Otherwise, I'm ready to defend multiple inheritance to
the entire developer base and attempt to convince everyone that this
exception must be made if people want a good, sanely-implemented application.

For the original mail message:

Sorry to be the one that always proposes radical solutions (scheme, etc).
Somebody has to do it, just like someone has to keep complaining about the
windows build :). It's how stuff gets done.

Aaron Lehman

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