The no-BOK locale

Subject: The no-BOK locale
From: Karl Trygve Kalleberg (
Date: Wed Jul 19 2000 - 10:15:28 CDT

(This message didn't seem to show up on the mailing list the two last
times I sent it, neither did it bounce. But it's not in the archives
either, so I try, try again.)


I've updated the files ap_TB_LabelSet_no-BOK.h, ap_Menu_LabelSet_no-BOK.h
and no-BOK.strings on the cvs tree, as checked out July 18 11:05 CET

According to, the no-BOK.strings file is now at 99%

However, there's one fly in the ointment. The update .h files display has
AbiWord display Norwegian menus nicely, but even tho I follow the steps
described in docs/AbiSource_Localization.abw, none of the entries from
no-BOK.strings seem to be used.

If I do Tools->Word count, the word count popup window displays en-US
strings. I've even tried export LANG=no_NO, export LANG=no_BOK, and some
permutations thereof.

By setting LANG to da_DK, I get danish support nicely, I get german if I
set to de_DE, etc. But simply not Norwegian.

The C library prefers to use no_NO when referring to Norwegian, and this
might be a problem since Norwegian comes in two (closely related)
flavours: Bokmål and Nynorsk.

According to strace, the file no_NO.strings is opened. And yes, all the
paths check out.

I'm a bit at a loss on what to do next here, except using gdb to
trace through the startup sequence for AbiWord..

Any comments would be more than welcome.

Karl T

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