Re: Dialog Shots (fwd)

Subject: Re: Dialog Shots (fwd)
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Thu Jul 20 2000 - 20:21:00 CDT

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Thomas Fletcher wrote:

> All,
> I'm just about to do some more work keeping up to
> date with new dialogs. On my list are the new GoTo
> dialog and starting on the List dialog. I'm just
> wondering how stable these implementations are
> on for GTK & Windows and how come there aren't screen
> shots checked in for what we have now (for all supported
> platforms). The only screen shot is the linux
> list dialog (which I must admit looks a lil' bit
> horrific!).

The goto dialog is stable and basically finished. I will make some more
changes to the lists dialog Real Soon Now. I plan to change the layout a
bit and to include a new feature. Screen shots of the goto and list
dialogs can be sent any who want them but they're 88 KBytes each. Luckily
abiword-dev didn't let them through the first time I sent them.

My current thinking for the next itteration of the lists dialog
will look like this:

| Start | List Type | Starting Value |
| new List | | |
| Stop List | Resume List |
| Change | List Type | Starting Value |
| Current List | | |
| Apply | Close |

So I will add the Resume List button to resume a list at the next list
value after stopping it. The various options in the dialog are set
sensitive or insensitive depending on the context of the cursor in the
current view. The dialog is modeless and auto-updates every 0.5 seconds
and upon a focus event into the dialog.

I am very open to suggestions for a better looking dialog. Feel free to be



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