Bugzilla question (Was:RE: Bugzilla Security Advisory)

Subject: Bugzilla question (Was:RE: Bugzilla Security Advisory)
From: James Montgomerie (jamie@montgomerie.net)
Date: Fri Jun 02 2000 - 04:19:50 CDT

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shaw Terwilliger
> Sent: 01 June 2000 15:29
> If anyone has any problems with Bugzilla because of these changes, mail
> me or the list.

Not really a problem, but is there any way we can enable the attaching of
files to Bugzilla pages? I gather the version Mozilla are using now allows

If it's a major change, it doesn't matter - we can continue putting example
documents etc. in web-accessible places and referring to there.


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