wv & ole2 commits

Subject: wv & ole2 commits
From: Dom Lachowicz (dominicl@seas.upenn.edu)
Date: Fri Jun 02 2000 - 08:37:26 CDT

I vote on committing too. Word import seems to work *at least* as correctly as
it had before, if not better. I've had success building and testing GLib on
several linux architectures, WinNT, Win95, Solaris, and BeOS. If it doesn't
work for "you" it should be farily obvious and trivial to get things working.
I believe that this applies to libole2 as well (e.g. provide a wrapper for
your system to get a file's size...)

Jamie, just one quick question: what version of libole2 are you using? I'm
only asking because I know some fairly large bugfixes and speedups have gone
into the newest releases and didn't look to see what one you had used in your
patch. 0.1.4 is the newest, I think, and worth upgrading to.


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