Re: Why We Should Use the STL (fwd)

Subject: Re: Why We Should Use the STL (fwd)
From: Larry Kollar (
Date: Sun Jun 04 2000 - 22:08:48 CDT

An interesting discussion, with good points on both sides....

I'll just throw out my experience. On a G3/266, running LinuxPPC 1999,
AbiWord isn't exactly poky but it just doesn't *feel* fast. I'm a
fast typist, and AbiWord has had no trouble keeping up, but there's
always this nagging feeling that it's gasping and panting behind the

It's hard to define, really. My problem is that I really don't have
anything (under Linux) to compare with AbiWord. (Sure, there's LyX,
but that's a completely different paradigm.) I don't have copies of
the commercial offerings (the beauty of Linux on a PowerPC, you can
get source for nearly everything that runs on it :-). I can reboot
into MacOS and run Nisus Writer, but then I'd have to account for a
completly different set of optimizations and bottlenecks so that's
not a good comparo.

In the end, I can sympathize with the Sourcegear folks -- we really
shouldn't use something that isn't a widespread standard. But I
also want AbiWord to feel as light & fast as I know it really is.

As some of the project leaders have said, "source code talks."
So if Sam submits the patches, they don't break any platforms, and
show a significant speed improvement, I don't see how anyone could
honestly object.

        (who thinks the STL makes for weird looking code, but if
        it's *that* much of a speedup....)

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