Latest Cygwin Build Problems

Subject: Latest Cygwin Build Problems
From: Shaw Terwilliger (
Date: Wed Jun 07 2000 - 20:44:48 CDT

Michael D. Pritchett wrote:
> I don't know much about the Tinderbox machine nor the cygwin enviroment, but
> it appears to be old. The 'uname -r' command for OS_RELEASE is "4.0".
> Currently I am seeing either "2x.x" (B20.1) or "1.1.x" (latest) on my
> machine. The makefiles use the fact that B20.1 has a space in the
> 'uname -r' result and 1.1.x build doesn't. It seems the problem occurs at
> this point.

In preparation for a 0.7.10 release soon, we stuck the latest Cygwin on the
Tinderbox host. Full uname -a is:

CYGWIN_NT-4.0 SHERIDAN 1.1.0(0.17/3/2) 2000-03-01 00:15:19 i586 unknown

> The 'cygpath' is a command that I have on both my cygwin environments. I
> thought it was standard in the cygwin environment. It is only needed under
> the one of the 1.1.x builds. If nesting the above block, it can be moved to
> just above where it is used and remove the annoying error Tinderbox is
> printing.

CYGWIN is set by the cygwin.bat file in the version I have installed too.
But I'm having other problems building with the latest cygwin tools, maybe
you can help. It seems like I'm having problems with make, sh, and line
ending characters. Issuing "make" in the abi/ directory gives me the
following message, which looks like it's a few messages superimposed on
each other:

bash.exe-2.03$ /bin/make
', needed by `default'. `compile

(Yes, that's the error message.)

Shaw Terwilliger <>

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