Re: CVS should be easier to use...

Subject: Re: CVS should be easier to use...
From: Shaw Terwilliger (
Date: Thu Jun 08 2000 - 10:41:43 CDT

Mike Meyer wrote:
> Since the link to CVS info at cyclic software is broken, my memory
> isn't good enough to remember the update instructions, and I'm lazy
> enough to not want to look them up each time - I stole a target from
> the FreeBSD Makefiles. This patch adds "udpate" as a target, which
> does a cvs update. I'm not familiar enough with cvs to be sure that
> I've set things up properly, and it probably needs tweaking for people
> with commit privileges, but the following has worked for me so far.

I'll try to get the Cyclic links sorted out... until then, CVS makes things
much easier than your Makefile target seems to suggest. :)

Making CVS "convenient" can be done by setting a CVSROOT environment variable
(to something like ""). This
is easiest in a shell init script. Then you only have to do a "cvs login"
once, and give it your password.

From then on, you can execute the short CVS commands. To update your
tree, just cd there and type "cvs update". Adding some defaults to your
~/.cvsrc can help you forget all the CVS options. My ~/.cvsrc looks like:

cvs -z3
checkout -A
diff -u
log -N
update -d

The "update -d" means always create any new directories needed when updating.
The "cvs -z3" means always use compression level 3. "diff -u" means produce
a unified diff format, etc. Any command listed with "dash options" will
be executed with those options when called.

Shaw Terwilliger <>

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