Font design question

Subject: Font design question
From: Petr Tesarik (
Date: Thu Jun 08 2000 - 14:02:44 CDT


I'm back again and unsatisfied with the current Unicode state - as
always. :)

So, at first, thanks to whoever recommended me to install X 4.0. It
solved many problems, although I have spent a whole day tracking down
a nasty bug in their XIM and there's still something bad with font
measurement but I don't have time to read all that Xlib source code
right now. The good news is: we have a complete PostScript font set at
least for the encodings I am interested in (Latin1 and Latin2). It
comes with X 4.0. (Wow!)

The bad news is: the Xlib API cannot be used to display arbitrary
Unicode characters (forget gdk_draw_text_wc() - it's rather useless
for our needs, believe me, I looked at the X Specs).

I think the easiest way to get it all up and running without having to
rewrite the font selection dialog, insert symbol dialog, etc. is this:

1. Rename the current XAP_UnixFont class to XAP_UnixRealFont. This
   class encapsulates an actual X11 font, including encoding. It has
   an XLFD.

2. Create a new class XAP_UnixFont (yes, it's named the same as the
   renamed one, so we don't have to rewrite all the code that uses
   XAP_Font). This class is an abstraction that only knows the font
   name and style. It contains all available XAP_UnixRealFont's with
   that name&style in different encodings.

3. Create a mapper class, XAP_UnixCharMap that maps Unicode characters
   to "encoding & charcode" pairs.

4. Rewrite gr_UnixGraphics.cpp, so that appropriate GdkFont for a
   character will be used (a slight change in the XAP_UnixFontHandle
   API is needed - getGdkFont() must accept encoding as an argument).

5. We will most likely have to rewrite xap_UnixPSFont.cpp and
   xap_UnixPSGraphics.cpp to enable printing.

As of 1-4 I looked over the code and I actually started some work. It
looks like the right way. I don't know what to do with 5. but maybe
I'll find out later. I ask now as to be sure that I've chosen the
right approach and that my patches will get accepted when I'm done.
Does anyone see any conceptual mistakes?


Petr Tesarik
Tel: +420 602 575294  

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