Re: Commit: More cursor dirt fixes.

Subject: Re: Commit: More cursor dirt fixes.
From: Paul Egli (
Date: Fri Jun 09 2000 - 13:02:04 CDT

At 04:25 PM 6/9/00 +1000, Martin Sevior wrote:
>We no longer get cursor dirt on either horizontal or vertical scrolls. We

This is fixed on linux, but on my Windows build this is still a problem. In
fact, on Windows I get more cursor dirt now than in 0.7.9: any time the
screen scrolls when the user presses an arrow key (for example, when your
cursor is on the lowest visible line and you press the down arrow) you get
cursor dirt (this was also true yesterday, before you committed the
changes; you did not create this problem with your last commit).

>still get cursor dirt after "insert picture", on changing the page
>margin and on really rapid popup-box transits.

I'm not sure what you mean my popup-box transits, but I consistently get
cursor dirt after resizing the window, and I sometimes when I shade then
unshade the window. The latter seems to have mostly to do with the speed: a
quick shade/unshade consistently gives me cursor dirt (rapid popup-box

Also, bugs 411 and 577 have been fixed in Linux, but still occur in Windows.

-Paul Egli

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