commit -- latest fixes to the goto dialog box

Subject: commit -- latest fixes to the goto dialog box
From: Joaquín Cuenca Abela (
Date: Fri Jun 09 2000 - 15:40:07 CDT

I've fixed the gtk frontend. Now the GUI will (has to) work smoothly. With
these changes, and the Martin changes (*excellent* work, Martin), I think that
this dialog box is mostly [1] finished.

Can it be changed from the debug build to the normal one, or are we too close
from 0.7.10 for such a move?

If it's ok to change the dialog box to the normal build? and (if autorized) can
somebody make the change? (I have to go to study... :( ).

I've added, too, a GNOME version of this dialog box.


[1]: The only problem that I can see if that when you type "+x", it will
increase the current line/page by x (correct behaviour), but too slowly

Joaquín Cuenca Abela

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