commit: Hack to remove final character dirt (like g tails).

Subject: commit: Hack to remove final character dirt (like g tails).
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Sun Jun 11 2000 - 09:53:22 CDT

Committed a simple hack to shift text runs by one pixel relative to the
text line they are on. This removes the last traces of character dirt that
appears when deleting character with tails that descent to the bottom of
a text cell. Like "g". See Aarons earlier email.

The most relevent code is in...

void fp_TextRun::_draw(dg_DrawArgs* pDA)
        UT_sint32 yTopOfRun = pDA->yoff - m_iAscent-1; // Hack to remove
        UT_sint32 yTopOfSel = yTopOfRun+1; // final character dirt

And a similar shift by one pixel in FieldRuns. I've tested this pretty
thoroughly but of course Bob and Paul should torture the code to make sure
this is all that is needed.



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