Re: Another question about abi on Be...

Subject: Re: Another question about abi on Be...
From: Thomas Fletcher (
Date: Mon Jun 12 2000 - 14:43:36 CDT

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Ben Hall wrote:

> Hey there,
> I've got a question for people:
> When was the last time anyone on this list used Abi on Be? I understand
> that the development has fallen behind, but does the person who did the
> original port even frequent this list any more?

Hi there Ben ... don't get too discouraged. Despite the lack of
direct maintenance I don't think that the Be port is really in
all that bad a shape. I'm the one who did the original port, and
due to potential conflict of interest issues I had to withdraw
from active maintenance. This was after we had several other
individuals who looked like they might take on the role of
keeping up with feature maintenance. I did see your earlier posting
and appologize for not getting back to it ... it seems that it
got pushed back behind other work priorities.

> I've made an earlier grumbling about trying to help with the abi port,
> and I'm still very interested, but I'd like to know if there is anyone
> on this list that will be able to help me with the Be stuff.

Absolutely ... there are not only the wealth of developers on the
list, but I am very keen to see AbiWord up and running on BeOS again.
While don't feel that I can commit any code right now (for one thing
my BeBoxes are all discombobulated right now) I'm very happy to help
you dive through the muck that I created getting the port up to
> Finally, does anyone know if cvs is broken on be, or if it's just me? I
> dl'd the cvs binary, and it appears to be working, but when I tried to
> pull down the abi sources it just sort of hung. I'm sorry, I don't have
> the error handy, it died I logged in. I'm using ssh w/cvs.

Are you using x86 or ppc? On both platforms I used CVS over
the modem line and it worked like a charm. I've heard of
other people having problems with Be's networking stack, and
changing the compression level (-z 0-9) on the cvs command
seemed to make a difference. Try -z 5. Can't comment on the
ssh issue though.

Once again, I really look forward to hearing from you about
questions you may have ... I'll do what I can to help you

Thomas (toe-mah) Fletcher QNX Software Systems Neutrino Development Group

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