Re: Interested in building a Styles Dialog

Subject: Re: Interested in building a Styles Dialog
From: Justin Bradford (
Date: Thu Jun 15 2000 - 18:25:00 CDT

> Aside (to all): Is AbiWord resolved on the means of implementing
> "stylesheets"? Will they be implemented in accordance with the CSS
> standards? Will there be support for both style sheets incorporated in
> an AbiWord file as well as a separate "stylesheet"/CSS file?

Stylesheets are already implemented internally, basically just different
defaults for all of the styling properties. We use CSS style properties
for everything we can. There are some things we need, however, which CSS
does not describe. Otherwise, those are what we use.

Now for writing styles to a file, I'm not sure how that is done, if it has
been done. My guess, or suggested implementation, would be use a tag,
<style name="Justin's Style" props="color: red; point-size: 20; etc" />

Rather than normal CSS styling blocks, as this is something we have all of
the code in place to handle already.


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