The 1.0 Jobs List ( :-)

Subject: The 1.0 Jobs List ( :-)
From: sam th (
Date: Fri Jun 16 2000 - 00:14:17 CDT

With suitable apologies to AC, here's what I think Needs To Be Done.

Features (before 0.9.0)

1) Page Numbering
This is, IMHO, the most importnt thing missing in abiword. Page numbers
are just a trivial combination of fields and footers. Fields currently
work well for page numbers, and footers work properly in in the formatter.
However, there is no way to insert footers other than text file hacking,
which != Just Work. Before we got to 0.9.0, this needs to be added.

2) The Be Port
This port is by far the most behind (with the exception of the Mac, see
below). To the best of my knowledge, it is missing
        - the Word Count dialog
        - the Insert Symbol dialog
        - the Goto dialog
        - the Field dialog
        - the Insert Date & Time dialog
        - the Paragraph dialog (there's a little implementation, but it
doesn't look finished)
        - the Preferences dialog (same)
Also, there are several *severe* usability issues, according to Ben Hall.
He has expressed interest (thanks) in working on the port, but some
serious coding needs to be done to get it up to speed.

3) Fields
This is obviously important to having a worthwhile release, and since it
will involve a file format change, it needs to happen pre 1.0. However,
it is currently in good, hands, so I wouldn't worry.

4) Tabs dialog
On the abiword-dev IRC channel (which everyone should check out) aaron
said that he was potentially interested in working on shack's old patch
for this. However, it isn't really high priority for 1.0

5) Any other compatibility/platform issues
Stuff that is broken on particular platforms really should be fixed.
Rough parity would be nice for 1.0

Bug Fixes (1.0)

1) CRASH bugs
Currently, bugzilla lists 13 bugs that people (mostly me) have marked
[CRASH]. I know Ben Hall recently posted a patch to fix 473 (the Be .abw
save bug). It would be nice to kill most or all of these by 1.0.

2) 757/764
These are Word import bugs, having to do with Word's "smart" quotes. This
affects lots of documents, and would therefore be nice to fix.
Additionally, other Word import bugs would be nice to fix. We have the
best word importer around, and it would be good to stay that way.

3) All the non-latin-1 charset bugs
There are too many of these to count. A good implementation of this might
fix lots of them. Then again, this is an area in which I have no clue, so
I'll be quiet now.

4) All the other bugs - about 150
We've (or mostly Aaron, Martin and Jesper) have made a BIG dent in
bugzilla recently, but there is still a ways to go. It's all about
perfection. :-)

5) Speed optimization
AbiWord is fast, but it can always be faster.
Incidentally, does anyone know of useful profilers on unix other than

Other Features (post 1.0)

1) Word export
Thanks to Jaime, this is now in the cards, but probably not before 1.0.
Round trip is good, right Paul?

2) Normal mode
Aaron has expressed interest in working on this, which I find to be a
nicer mode to work in on other word processors.

3) More GNOME integration
Here, it would be nice to have the gnome-print support that John Tunison
created work. Also, component integration with Dia, Gnumeric, etc would
be good.

4) Mac Port
Bryan Prusha made some progress on this back at the beginning of 0.7.9,
but not much has happend since then.

Well, that's it for now. I'm sure this will stir up some discussion.

                                sam th

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