Re: commit -- [manifesto] no more mangling

Subject: Re: commit -- [manifesto] no more mangling
From: Robert Sievers (
Date: Sat Jun 17 2000 - 14:45:58 CDT

At 08:50 PM 6/10/00 +0000, you wrote:
>On UNIX, an OS that allows you to name files what you want to name them,
>don't mangle the filenames that The User inputs to include yucky, useless
>suffixes or anything else. I could rant on for hours on why this is the

We beat this issue to death back during the 0.5 days, and there were strong
opinions on both sides. Aaron, I understand all of your comments, and I
really admire your Get It Done attitude. The problem is that the ".abw"
extension addition was something we reached consensus on.

While it is true Unix doesn't need extensions, it isn't harmful to have
them in either. If anybody on Linux is going to send an AbiWord document
to someone running Windows, they probably want to rename the file anyway.

There has to be a good compromise solution. Either a preference option, a
checkbox in the save dialog, or preferably something else I haven't though


Robert Sievers
Open Source Evangelist

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