Re: commit -- [manifesto] no more mangling

Subject: Re: commit -- [manifesto] no more mangling
From: Aaron Lehmann (
Date: Sat Jun 17 2000 - 15:59:28 CDT

Some people who didn't agree with me sent me mail after my checkin, and
sugested that this be made into an option. I think this is an idea
solution. I LOVE configurable software (heck, I use emacs :)). In the
file selection dialog box, I don't think it would work well, becuase
every time you saved a file you would have to check the box, and it
would be easier to just type .abw at the end. The solution to this
would be to make it persistant between saves. Once this is done, it
would make sense to save it between instances of the application. But
then it is a preference item again! So, I think we should go with a
preference item. The only problem is who would implement this option. My
understanding is that AbiWord requires dialogs to be implemented
seperately on all platforms. In this case, this would actually be good,
because having a file extension is not an option on windows. Would it be
bad to have a platform dissymetry in the options dialog? What if there was
a tab implemented that was named "Platform-specific options"?

Aaron Lehmann

> There has to be a good compromise solution. Either a preference option, a
> checkbox in the save dialog, or preferably something else I haven't though
> of.
> Suggestions?
> Robert Sievers
> Open Source Evangelist

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