7.10 Documentation

Subject: 7.10 Documentation
From: Ashleigh Gordon (gordonac@ocean.com.au)
Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 02:08:33 CDT

Just downloaded 7.10 last night. Looks really good guys! There are a few little
mistakes in help though.

Some changes I made are:
-Some of the headings were named Index. Not sure why but I fixed this in
aboutabi and aboutOS
-Search page was empty, so I put in a search system
basically copied from the KDE help system, but it doesn't work. See search
.html for details.
-Updated index, new, credits, contents
-Fixed up remaining translation of FAQ, there was still some French there
-Changed linux install link to www.abisource.com/free.phtml(is this right?)
-Check.html was empty so I put in the version number.
-Whats new was simply copied from Robert Sievers email, there was a lot of
discussion about some of these points, but I didn't change anything from his
- Changed picture.html. For some reason, the images were not displaying.
- Changed a sourcegear link to point to www.sourcegear.com instead of the
rubbish link that was there.

These new files are included and should probably be put into the help directory
/en-US, could someone put these files into the CVS please.


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