Re: Modeless Spell.

Subject: Re: Modeless Spell.
From: sam th (
Date: Mon Jun 19 2000 - 04:08:50 CDT

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Martin Sevior wrote:

> I've started to look at a Modeless Spell dialog and I realized that it
> cannot be made to work the same as the otheres. There is too much frame
> specific info in the spell dialog. So how do we deal with changing frames?
> Here are some ideas.
> 1. Leave in the too hard to be Modeless basket for 1.0

I bet this is where it's going, regardless of other choices. :-)

> 2. Update all the spell dialog info upon changing frames. This is hard
> because it means keeping track of all pointers used to scan the document.
> 3. Allow multiple spell dialogs each attached to its own frame. Upon
> changing the frame the dialog is "greyed" out. If you want to spell check
> a different frame leaving your current dialog up and running you must
> start up a new spell dialog.

IMNSHO, 3 is *much* better than 2. First, switching all that stuff is
likely to be hard, which means it is less likely to Just Work. Second, I
can imagine wanting to spell check 2 docs at once, and wanting different
dialogs. Third, I think switching would violate user
expectation. (Certainly it would violate mine). Finally, I can imagine
wanting to leave spell checking running in one place, and not spell check
the other doc.

I think this brings up an important point. sometimes having your dialog
switch with the frame is good (word count). But this is not always
true. I think we need a third category, modeless-but-document-specific,
that would apply to things like spell.

> Maybe I should just start bulleted lists I don't need fields for them.
> Do the bullets get smaller or larger upon nesting?
Usually, they change styles, in my experience. Differently sized bullets
would look weird.
                                     sam th
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