Away from the List for a while.

Subject: Away from the List for a while.
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Wed Jun 21 2000 - 09:35:50 CDT

HI everyone,
            In a couple of days I will be away from the list and out of
email contact for a bit over a week. However I will have my laptop and
hope to get some serious hacking done. I'll try to make Spell modeless via
a single dialog. On second thoughts I don't think it will be too hard. We
just restart the spell check when ever we re-enter a frame. It will
automatically stop at the first mis-spelled word which would be where you
left off from before.

I'll see if I can use Luke Jordan's patch to get bulleted lists started at
least and a framework for numbered lists based on his work. Hopefully we
can just slot in Pauls Fields framework when it arrives.

And if I really get on a roll I'll try for a colour-picker dialog :-)

That's a nice load of vapour-ware I'll try to make it real.



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