Patch Prize winners

Subject: Patch Prize winners
Date: Wed Jun 21 2000 - 10:30:26 CDT

For those who do not read the weekly news, I thought I would share the names of the recent patch prize winners. Everyone on this list has been sent $299 complements of SourceGear.

Although $299 isn't a massive amount of money, it is about 6 months salary in Russia, where Alexey lives. Alexey has a well paying job, so it wasn't quite THAT much for him. Still, it was a great feeling to send that check.

Good luck to this week's contributors: Tim Allen, Justin Bradford, Aaron Lehman, and Martin Sevior.

Former patch prize winners:

5/3 Christopher Caron
5/3 Martin Sevior
5/10 Thomas Fletcher
5/17 Sam TH
5/24 Bruce Perason
5/31 Alexey Sintunin
6/7 Jesper Skov
6/14 Aaron Lehman

Robert Sievers

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