Bug #921

Subject: Bug #921
From: Aaron Lehmann (aaronl@vitelus.com)
Date: Wed Jun 21 2000 - 21:13:32 CDT

I normally don't cross-post bugs to the list and Bugzilla, but I thought
this one might generate some discussion about how to fix it...


Summary: Extending selection with shift-arrow (left or right) causes
entire selection to be redrawn.

Test Case: Press shift-leftarrow or shift-right arrow for a long time and
as the selection gets very large, watch how slowly it extends it.

I'm no formatter guru, but I think the best way to do this would
definately be to only redraw the character that is getting added to or
subtracted from the selection, not the entire new selection and all of the
characters within it. I don't know if this is possible with the current
design of the formatter, but it would be a large improvement in speed,
efficiancy, and responsiveness when working with large selections.

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