bug #812, [CRASH] abiword dumps core when attempting to print (Linux/i386)

Subject: bug #812, [CRASH] abiword dumps core when attempting to print (Linux/i386)
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Tue Jun 27 2000 - 11:45:40 CDT

[[sorry if there is a way for me to enter this comment directly in
bugzilla; I couldn't quite figure it out in the time I had to try]]

I know why this bug happens. It happens (randomly but usually) if
there are characters with values greater than 256 in a document.
Smart quotes characters are all like that and often show up in MSWord

The function PS_Graphics::measureString() in
src/af/xap/unix/xap_UnixPSGraphics.cpp uses the character value as a
subscript into an array of character properties without bounds
checking (well, there is a UT_ASSERT() for the debug version).

The only end-user workaround at this point is "don't do that". Even
if you get lucky and it doesn't blow up, the printing probably doesn't
look like what you're expecting for those characters.

I'm looking into the whole smart quote situation and will fix this
print problem as part of a general smart quote round-up, so I don't
think it's worth anyone getting distracted by trying to go after this
one right away. If lots of user complaints come rolling in, I can
whip up a temporary patch for just this problem in short order.

bill@carpenter.ORG (WJCarpenter)    PGP 0x91865119
38 95 1B 69 C9 C6 3D 25    73 46 32 04 69 D6 ED F3

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