Re: <p> and <pbr>

Subject: Re:

From: Thomas Briggs (
Date: Fri Mar 03 2000 - 11:40:37 CST

   Maybe I'm seeing this from an overly simplistic point of view, but I
think that is behavior is desirable for the majority of most normal
paragraphs. Start a half-page-long paragraph three-quarters of the way down
a page, and when it runs over on to the next page, you want it to be
considered part of the same paragraph as the content on the preceding page
(because, quite frankly, it is). I think the solution you're really looking
for in the problems you described is section breaks, not page breaks (or a
more intelligent page breaking mechanism, at least).

   Official abiword-dev lurker

>I was looking at some of my document recently, and noticed that we
>consider <pbr> to be a sub-element of <p>, meaning that if you insert a
>page break, you are still in the same paragraph. Personally, I think this
>is bad behavior.

>I have tried to think of where you would want to have a page break in the
>middle of a paragraph, but I couldn't think of any situations. If someone
>uses this 'feature,' please let me know, and we could work out a better

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