POW - test LaTeX export

Subject: POW - test LaTeX export
From: Robert Sievers (bob@abisource.com)
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 19:57:34 CST

It's time for another Project of the Week (POW)!
If you're interested in helping the project, but are not confident of your
programming skills, here is the POW for you.
Currently, AbiWord imports and exports a variety of file formats. These
include the native .abw format, Rich Text Format, and plain text. Also,
AbiWord imports MSWord files (.doc) and exports .htm and LaTeX files.

In each case, all of the AbiWord XML properties and their corresponding
import or export functionality are documented. This document is at
http://www.abisource.com/feature_matrix.html. If you follow rows, you see
how AbiWord handles any particular feature for all import/export
categories. If you follow columns, you see how AbiWord handles all
features for that given output. Right now the document is fairly current,
with two major exceptions. Some of the cells are still colored orange even
though bug #590 was fixed a few weeks ago. Secondly, none of the LaTeX
column has been filled out. You can see this by noting that all these
cells are purple, designating that they have not yet been tested.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to see if AbiWord
correctly exports all tags and attributes to LaTeX.

What you'll be doing is taking a set of .abw files I have created for the
task, saving them to LaTeX format, and then opening them in LaTeX to insure
no loss of information. While in the process, you will probably find some
bugs that will need to logged in bugzilla, Also, since I have been the
only person to create and use the test files, you may find them confusing,
in which case you need to chew me out for creating bad test cases. As for
where to get these files, they are checked into abi/test/wp/suite.

This one should be fairly easy, but a bit time consuming.

The goal is to work your way down the leftmost column of the feature
matrix, changing every cell from purple to another color. For those cells
which manifest bugs, you will need to update bugzilla, and place the
corresponding number in the cell as I have done elsewhere in the feature

Once you've gotten everything thoroughly tested, you can send the revised
and updated HTML file and I will place it on the web.



PS: For more background on the whole POW / ZAP / SHAZAM concept, see the
following introduction:

Robert Sievers
Open Source Evangelist

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