Re: commit -- unix/gcc/gtk on cygwin patch.

Subject: Re: commit -- unix/gcc/gtk on cygwin patch.
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 21:33:29 CST

On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Aaron Lehmann wrote:

> I was suprised to read that the GTK+/Win32 version needed an X server. I
> had thought that the win32 port of GTK wan natively on windows. According
> to Miguel de Icaza, "The mistake AbiWord made was to not use GTK for its
> cross platform toolkit." GTK runs on BeOS, Unix, and Windows, so
> theoretically it could eliminate a lot of the non-xp work.

As noted by hj, for some reason, abi uses native xlib calls for some of
its low level graphics. I don't know why as there are equivalent gdk based
calls. It would be cool to see if abi would work with pure gdk calls and
would help in the internationalization efforts.

After that one could try a native gtk-windows port. That would be pretty
cool. I noticed in my crawling of the gnome web site that "Dia" has a
windows version but I have no idea if it works. I believe the windows
version of the gimp has a fair way to go before being up to the unix

On the other hand abi works on Windows now. It would be pretty cool to
compare a gtk-windows vs gtk-unix version though.

Of course in the meantime there are lots of unclaimed bugs and missing
features and only so many hours in the day :-)



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