[patch] replace XLib calls with GDK

Subject: [patch] replace XLib calls with GDK
From: Aaron Lehmann (aaronl@vitelus.com)
Date: Tue Mar 21 2000 - 22:20:35 CST


People have pointed out that AbiWord on Unix uses a small bit of XLib for
drawing and measuring text. Since I love playing with GDK, I went ahead
and wrote a patch to eliminate all use of XLib that I could find. I can't
detect a visible difference with this patch in speed or quality (and I
am suprized - I don't know any XLib and I barely know GDK). Anyway, this
patch probably should be tested a bit before it is commited, but It Works
Fine Here :). If any GDK work needs to be done in the future, contact
me... GDK is fun.

Aaron Lehmann

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